Turnstone offers a wide range of fish and wildlife services, providing survey, monitoring and data analysis work for avian, fish, wildlife and amphibian species that are driven by regulatory compliance requirements.



Service Insights

  • Wildlife habitat and species surveys and research
  • Raptor habitat assessment, delineation, surveys, mapping, nest detection and tree monitoring
  • Waterfowl migration monitoring, species identification and surveys
  • Bat surveys and habitat assessment
  • Mammal telemetry tracking, trapping, damage assessment and mitigation
  • Amphibian surveys, habitat enhancement, species identification
  • Terrestrial and aquatic mollusk surveys
  • Fish surveys, habitat evaluations and documentation
  • Stream ecology studies
  • Biological Evaluations and Environmental Impact Statements

A Deeper Connection

Turnstone offers a wide range of fish and wildlife services, providing survey, monitoring and data analysis work for avian, fish, wildlife and amphibian species that are driven by regulatory compliance requirements. We are extremely familiar with the US Fish & Wildlife protocols and State Forest Practice Acts in western states and have worked extensively with landowners and agencies to help ensure that necessary species protections are being met, reducing the potential for a “take” of listed species.

Our Fish and Wildlife Program is also incorporated into larger projects like landscape-level inventories, wetland delineations, Biological Assessments, Biological Evaluations and restoration design and implementation projects.